Dr. David Wang
He has specialized interests in sports injuries, dermatology and minor surgery, and has extensive knowledge and experience in gynecological conditions.
Dr Yan Dan Goh
She graduated from Sydney University in 2002 (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Bachelor of Science (Hons1 Pharmacology) and is a Fellow of the Australian College of General Practitioners.
Dr. Xianqin Qu
Masters Research or PhD student supervision, Teaching and Research: Pharmacology of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Clinical subjects of Chinese Medicine, Supervising Masters and senior undergraduate students practice of Chinese herbal medicin
Dr. Hung-Ta Ko
He is a specialized cosmetic surgeon who focuses on the aesthetics of the face. Using the golden ratio approach, he tailors each individual’s treatment plans to ensure optimal results. Specific interests to Dr Honda are minimally invasive
Dr. Frank Zhu
Dr Frank Zhu is the registered general practitioner in Australia. In 1995, he was awarded the European Community Marie-Curie Research Fellowship to study at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, England, the second largest cancer cent
Dr. Stephen Han
Dr. Stephen Han graduated from the top-notch The University of Sydney School of Medicine. As a professional anesthesiologist, he has received training in several higher education disciplines,and currently works at Royal North Shore Hospital, Westmead
Dr. Mirabelle Wang
Dr. Mirabelle, Australian general practitioner (GP), cosmetic physician (MBBS),doctor of medicine of the University of Melbourne (FRACGP DCH),and member of AAAM, obtained her Bachelor's Degree of Science (Med), as well as Professional Certif